售價:90 |
搜尋參考資料: 1. Eco-Story - LED Lighting LED Lighting. The benefits of Eco-story's LED Lighting Solutions are so powerful that many customers are initially skeptical about the product and what it will do. 2. Eco-Story - Home At Eco-story we are passionately developing. LED lighting solutions that make our customers more competitive through substantial reductions in utility costs and ... 3. Lighting Stories - Cooper Industries Success stories on solving our customers' lighting challenges ... The Might-D-Light Story · New York City LED Streetlight ... Success Stories - Energy Efficiency. 4. The future of light - Solar LED lighting: the story behind the lamp Solar LED lighting: the story behind the lamp The story begins with just a lamp. It could be anywhere: a big city, a remote village, or even a factory for a global ... 5. Shabbat Candle Experiences & Stories - Anecdotes and encounters ... In the silent moments of my candle-lighting, I imagine many Jewish women around the globe also lighting their candles. I feel we are unified for one small ... |
詳細資料ISBN:9789862100523 規格:平裝 / 108頁 / 21 X 28 CM / 普通級/ 全彩印刷 / 初版 出版地:台灣 內容簡介 15位扶輪精英的人生信念 分享給未來一定要成功的你! 扶輪社,創始於1905年的美國芝加哥,直至日治時期1931年引進台灣,至今已逾80年,二戰期間暫停運作的台灣扶輪,於戰後1948年台北扶輪社的創立而又繼續發展,社員個個臥虎藏龍,每一位的身上都充滿了值得你我學習的優點與信念。 特別是下個扶輪年度(2014-15)是國際扶輪的台灣年,全球的扶輪社長將由首位台灣人RIP GARY(黃其光先生)來擔任,社長所到之處,台灣正面形象也將同步帶到全世界200個國家或地域,這將是二千三百萬人所共同追求扶輪夢想的實現,多叫人期待。 LIGHTING STORY 來聽故事,以即將上任國際扶輪社長的GARY為主軸,其他多位扶輪人為輔,無論是前總監、現任總監、未來的總監,他們的訪談錄有如寶藏,在這些人的身上找到超越挫折並轉化實力的奮鬥過程,在追求夢想之餘,也不忘回饋台灣兼愛天下的正向力。只要細細品嘗,任何人都能從中獲益,絕不會入寶山而空手回。 ★ 封面人物 國際扶輪史上首位台灣人總社長 黃其光 ★ 諾貝爾和平獎得主 穆罕默德尤努斯訪台幕後故事 ★ 公益團體 愛能成就小胖 小胖威利症候群 |
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